Sunday, February 3, 2013


Ok, so I have been sick for almost three weeks now and I am sick of being sick! So much has happened since my last post I really didn't have the time to write much, so now that I have a spare moment I am going to go through what has happened recently.

 First off my family and I went to one of our local library branches to hear a speaker talk about the war of 1812. It was actually pretty interesting learning about the war.

Then we went to a hockey game. My mom got really excited when our team scored a goal because a very loud blow horn would turn on, the first time I heard it I thought it was a boat horn! 

Then our grandpa (which we don't see often) gave us Bey Blades  for our Christmas gifts I think we all played together with the toys for three hours straight, it was a big hit!

 A week ago my mom sent me into a coffee shop with a coupon for a super salted caramel latte, she wanted it breve  whatever that means. I had no idea what half the words she said even meant but all I had to do is go in a get her the coffee on the coupon. So I went up to the counter and the lady there said   "Is there something I can help you with?" I then hesitated and said "Yes,....ummm I    would  like a super breve latte caramel?" the lady at the counter kinda tilted her head at me, "This isn't for you is it?" I replied "Nope, this is for my mom."  Then I waited for the people to make the coffee. From what I saw they looked like they were chemists, putting ingredients from all over the place into the cup. When I got the cup it was so full the coffee looked like it was over the brim. I was about to pick the cup up when a lady said "I would suggest a lid so you don't spill it" I then said back " Yea, that sounds like a great idea! I did not even think that there were any lids, do you know were they are?" "Yes, they are right over there." The lady pointed to a place a couple feet to the left of me. I felt kind of dumb not noticing the station there. When all was said and done I was relived to get out of the weird environment of the coffee shop.

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